Saving Lives
Every Day

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Who We Are

Lucky2Bhere was established in 2007 by Ross Cowie who had experienced a cardiac arrest and was lucky in that an ambulance was nearby on the evening of the arrest and was able to use lifesaving equipment in their possession. As a result of his experience he decided to raise funds to purchase a defibrillator for the Skye Camanachd Shinty Club in Portree.

A committee was established to raise funds to buy a defibrillator for the social Club and train people to use it. From these beginnings L2BH grew in a way that had not been predicted.

Lucky2BHere is a now a registered Charity with an elected Committee and Trustees run on a voluntary basis with many people offering their time and support.

Initially Lucky2BHere provided defibrillators and emergency life support training on Skye and the immediate mainland. We now deliver this throughout Scotland.